Cisco StadiumVision Director Display License


Cisco StadiumVision Director Display License licence

SKU: SV-DIR-5DISP= Categories: , Tag:


Cisco StadiumVision Director Display License licence

The set of applications contained within Cisco StadiumVision Director coordinate, manage, and orchestrate interactivity between all areas of the venue. Luxury suites, concourses, restaurants, back office staff, and most importantly fans, all participate in a rich, linked set of services provided by Cisco StadiumVision Director. Live streaming video, targeted and coordinated advertisements, sponsor promotions, digital menus, directional signage, news feeds, display control, concessions and merchandise ordering are custom tailored, with display-level control, to specific areas of the venue.

Cisco StadiumVision Director is a core component of a fully deployed Cisco StadiumVision solution, which includes a video headend and video endpoints and uses the Cisco Connected Stadium solution as its network platform. The video headend of the Cisco StadiumVision solution provides the video encoding of terrestrial, satellite, cable, and in-house feeds. The headend then makes these feeds available as virtual channels to the video endpoints distributed throughout venue. The Cisco Connected Stadium solution provides a proven and scalable connectivity architecture for streaming of live video content, the exchange of transactional data, wired or wireless access, and security.

Cisco StadiumVision Director Display License – licence
Product Type Licence
Category Networking applications – network – system & remote management
Licence Qty 5 displays
Category Networking applications – system & remote management
Product Type Licence
Licence Type 5 displays